Welcome to Mars!
Mars planet has been inhabited from humans and a new era for mankind has started. ‘New Martians’ mission is to establish a viable community and set the pillars for a new civilization.
Current Date & Time
Mon, 17 Feb 2025 10:11:58 +0300Mission: Looking for Life
The mission’s target is to inspect Hellas Planitia based on the specific landmarks that Mission Control has spotted from the Mars Odyssey satellite that may hold evidence of life.
The crew inspects the area, collects the evidences and bring the samples to the habitat; they are inspected in the lab through hand lenses and microscope; tests are applied (see https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach/activity/looking-for-life/) and the results are presented to all the crew and are communicated from the commanders to Mission Control Center (MCC).
Today’s Schedule
Time (UTC) | Task | Check |
09:00 | Mission Control Center briefing | |
09:15 | Crew briefing and task assignments to team | |
09:30 | Medical & Weather Readiness | |
09:40 | Expedition start | |
10:10 | Ares base communicates with team | |
10:40 | Expedition reporting | |
11:00 | Samples testing at Lab | |
11:00 | Mission Control Center reporting |
Area Map
Live Feed
Team Readiness
Crew Status (Ares Station)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Expedition team)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Ares Station)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Expedition team)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Ares Station)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Expedition team)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Ares Station)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Expedition team)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Ares Station)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
Crew Status (Expedition team)
Name | Duty | Status |
Name 1 | Commander | |
Name 2 | Doctor | |
Name 3 | Scientist | |
Name 4 | Engineer |
«Εις Άρεα»: «θάρρος χάρισέ μου μακάριε, να κρατιέμαι στους σωτήριους θεσμούς της ειρήνης, αποφεύγοντας τις μάχες με τους εχθρούς μου και τους βίαιους θανάτους».
Αφήλιο: 249.209.300 χλμ, (1,665861 AU), Περιήλιο: 206.669.000 χλμ. (1,381497 AU), Ημιάξονας τροχιάς: 227.939.100 χλμ. (1,523679 AU), Εκκεντρότητα: 0,093315, Περίοδος περιφοράς: 686,971 ημέρες, (1,8808 έτη), Συνοδική περ. Περιφοράς: 779,96 ημέρες (2,135 έτη), Μέση τροχιακή ταχύτητα: 24,077 χλμ./δευτ. 86.677,2 χλμ./ώρα, Μέση ανωμαλία: 19,3564°, Κλίση τροχιάς: 1,85061°(ως προς την Εκλειπτική) 5,65°(ως προς τον Ηλιακό ισημερινό), Δορυφόροι: 2 φυσικοί (Φόβος, Δείμος)